As I type, my eyes are watering and I have an awful taste in my mouth. All because some dude at work was heavy-handed with his cologne this morning. I never saw him up close. It was a 50-ish man. We were in pace with each other from the time we parked our cars in the garage, to walking into the building, and down a hall to the elevators. The whole way, I was deluged and engulfed in his scent. My temples began to twitch and I was light-headed from holding my breath for long gaps. I don't know if I rode on the same elevator he did or not, but the ride up was miserable. I feel like I smell like him now. My coffee tastes like him.
TLC offers some advice on perfume and cologne application:
1. Don't spray it right on your body. Rather, spray a mist above and in front of you slightly and then walk through it.
2. If it's a heavier scent, try applying it lower on your body (they suggest behind the knees) so that its effect is lessened as it wafts up to people's noses.
3. If, throughout the day, you yourself continue to smell your own scent, you may have over-applied.
In 2008, scientists discerned in a research study that wearing too much perfume can be a sign of depression. Apparently, when the mind is depressed, the sense of smell is suppressed.
So much for stopping to smell the roses.