Monday, July 21, 2014

Keep on knockin', but you can't come in

You know the phrase “dropped in my lap?” As in something unexpected happening? More often than not, when used, I find we hope that the something is good. Something positive. But often, in reality, it’s not.  Here are a couple of examples:

“Mike is on vacation this week and I just had all of his work dropped in my lap.”

“The substitute teacher just dropped a ton of homework in our lap.”

When feeling hopeful, even if it’s a cynical hope, one might say, “well, it’s not like _______ is going to drop in my lap.”

But sometimes in life, often when you least expect it, something good does waft down. It probably happens more than we know. You know another saying?

When opportunity knocks, answer the door. 

Sounds simple, right? But aren’t we just as likely, as humans, to turn off the lights and hide until the knocking goes away?

So my challenge for you today, this week, and for myself, as well, is to open that door. Embrace it. You might just be glad you did.

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