Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In an Autumn State of Mind

It’s not like we’ve had a brutally oppressive summer here. Actually, it’s been quite mild. But I must admit, about this time of year, my thoughts turn to football, bowls of chili, crisp mornings, and fall decorations.

You hear people talk about springtime and its new beginnings. The smell of freshly-mowed grass. The chirp of baby birds. A renewal. I like Spring. But there’s just something about Fall that I love.  

In Spring, I feel like you’re trapped between two extreme climates. You’ve survived Winter, but it’s still a vivid memory. And you know, at least here in middle Tennessee, that Spring lasts about as long as an ice cream cone in August. Blink and it’s 95 degrees outside with the same percentage of humidity.

When Fall rolls around, though, your skin is still kissed by the sun, there will be sand in all kinds of places for a while still, and you’re eagerly awaiting fun holidays ahead, just around the corner.  Fall feels like the best of both worlds. Fall lets you have your cake and eat it around a fire pit, too.

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