Friday, July 11, 2014

I'm Not Spike Lee

But I do think you should do the right thing.

I’m a rule follower. I follow rules. And, because of this, I expect others to, as well, and get aggravated when they don’t. Rarely am I more aggravated than when fellow drivers don’t abide by the rules, both of the road and of popular social convention.

Yesterday, I was waiting to turn onto the interstate ramp. The line was backed up through one traffic light and moving towards a second. Because the ramp was backed up, and the interstate ahead, only 1-2 cars were getting out with each cycle of the red light. I watched as a couple of rule breakers zipped up to the front of the line, turned their turn signal on, and by the grace of their fellow drivers, were let in. Doh! I guess it’s true what they say:  good guys finish last.

I don’t honestly believe this. I like to think of it more as “good guys may not win the battle, but they’ve got the war.” So, go on. Break the rules. I may be a big person and let you in. I’ll probably make a point of touching the person in front of my car’s bumper with my fender so as to send a clear message of “not on my watch, buddy.” And I will definitely, secretly hope the sheriff is up ahead, waiting to give you and your black horse a ticket for speeding.

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