Monday, July 14, 2014

Disney on Skies

Last night, a monorail at Disney World suffered an electrical outage, causing the train to stop 30 feet in the air on its track. Its passengers were trapped for 90 minutes, sans air conditioning, while they awaited rescue. A happy ending ensued – firefighters, using a lift, got everyone down and, for their trouble, everyone received vouchers from the Mouse.

I have so many fond memories of the monorail at Disney. In a weird way, it was probably my favorite ride there. In the morning, the excitement and anticipation was palpable. Kids squealed and laughed with delight as Cinderella’s Castle came into view and parents checked that they had tickets and sunscreen and ponchos.

In the late evening, it was a cool respite from a long, hot day. The windows were always frosted up, caught between the chill of the train’s A/C and the humidity of a Floridian night. Even as a child, it was nice to sit and relax after a long day and, if you looked over your shoulder, you could catch one, last glimpse of Space Mountain and immediately begin recounting wonderful memories whose ink was still wet.

Just writing and thinking about it makes me want to go. I never tire of it. It’s truly a magical place and always will be for me. I tip my hat and offer my thanks to my parents for sharing their sense of wonder and adventure with me over the years at DisneyWorld and EPCOT. 

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