Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Oh, Summer, you're so close I can feel you. And hear you. And smell you. I've missed you. Yes, soon, I will be cursing you and longing for cooler nights and the structure and stability of a school-year schedule. But, for now, I welcome you with open arms.

The ABCs of Summer

Adjusting to relaxed schedules and later bedtimes
Driving to fun destinations
Exploring…new places & activities and  favorite places & activities
Friends and family
Grass, freshly mown

Hot dogs at a baseball game
Ice cold drinks
Just chillin’
Kissing in the orangey-yellow fading light of a sunset
Lightning bugs
Nighttime serenades of tree frogs and crickets
Quiet, stolen moments curled up on the sofa, or in a hammock
Running barefoot
Sun-kissed skin (and the smell of sunscreen)
Throwing meat on a sizzling grill
Updating and upgrading….the yard, the house, your life, your outlook
Viewing the world through sunglasses for three, whole months

X-Rays (it happens…hopefully not this year)
Yard sales on Saturday mornings
Zzz….a dreamy summer siesta nap

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