Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Half-Empty Rose-Colored Glasses

A former pastor used to say this about life -- 

you’re either coming out of a storm, heading into one, or you’re in one right now as I speak.

When you think about the ebb and flow of life, this certainly rings true.

The realist in me says, “that makes sense. We’re not promised rainbows and sunshine all the time, right? Into each life, a little rain must fall.”

The pessimist in me says, “it’s just a matter of time until the next rainstorm. Enjoy the rug while it’s still under your feet.”

The optimist says, “Now, come on, don’t be so negative. It’s not all bad. It’s not even half bad. Enjoy the good while you have it. Soak it up and bank it like a bank account for happiness. Then, when it does rain, you can dip into your supply.”

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