Friday, May 2, 2014

Enjoy the ride

So, my week started like this:

But this was my commute on this Friday morning. 

60's, sunny, traffic was zipping along. And Coolio was on the radio. Fantastic Voyage. And as I drove in, perhaps in a caffeine-deprived stupor, I thought, "man, this is a great song."

Just check out these nuggets of wisdom:

It really don't matter if you're white or black. (That means you, Mr. Sterling, but also that means you, NBA, Magic Johnson, and yes, you, Oprah.)
If you can't take the heat get yo' [self] out the kitchen. (Seriously, people!) 
I'm tryin' to find a place where I can live my life and maybe eat some steak with my beans and rice. A place where my kids can play outside without livin' in fear of a drive-by. (Aren't we all?)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the ride.

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