Thursday, May 1, 2014

Not-So-Guilty Pleasures

Driving to work today, I saw a sign outside of a restaurant advertising Cinco de Mayo specials. Rationally, that made me think of mayonaise (mayo) which got me thinking about one of my favorite guilty pleasures -- a slice of super fresh, whole wheat bread, slathered with Miracle Whip, and folded in half.

My Favorite Guilty Pleasures

1.  Mayo Sammy

2.  Peppermint shake from Chick-Fil-A

3.  Strawberry shake from McDonald's with an order of fries

4.  Getting a mani (getting a pedi is just common courtesy).

5.  Lying in bed watching Gilmore Girls or Downton Abbey when I should be cleaning the house or spending time with my family.

6.  Going to my public library's periodical room (which is mandatory quiet, no talking, no phones, and you really get dirty looks if you're a loud page flipper or are clicking away on a laptop). It's all wood and leather, comfy seats, no children, is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and they have every magazine one could imagine. A few times, I have stolen away in there to read an entire Real Simple, cover to cover, uninterrupted.

7.  Stealing a tablespoon of Grade A maple syrup, even when there's not a waffle in sight. And I mean the good stuff, not the sugar free Aunt Jemima crap I serve kids when we've had a slumber party. Grade A, dark amber.

8.  A cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera, sliced not toasted, with real cream cheese.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.Psalm 37:4

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