Friday, April 4, 2014

Worry Not

I was caught up in the proverbial rat race this morning.

  • Child's lunch packed? Check.
  • Pets have food and water? Check.
  • Is my child getting dressed? Check on that in a minute.
  • Am I dressed?
  • Do my shoes match?
  • Do we need coats today? Umbrellas?
  • What time is it? "Five minutes...we're walking out!"
  • "Why aren't you dressed yet? Come on!!!"
  • "Mommy, I need my special red shirt for school today?"

You've got to be kidding me, I think, although you and I both know that's not exactly what I was thinking.

  • Scramble to look for red shirt. Finally find it on the bottom of the dirty clothes pile (of course). Spray it with Febreze and toss in dryer for two minutes...good as new.
  • Fight traffic.
  • Pull into school on two wheels.
  • Exchange sentiments - "Have a good day." "No, you have a good day! :)"
  • Deliver three second pep talk - "Good luck on your test. You got this. You're gonna do fine. You're smart and funny and I love you. God created you special and there's no one just like you. Go get 'em!"

Child exits the car, I start my commute to work, and my day actually begins. It's rainy and been storming and traffic is miserable. I immediately begin running through multiple mental "to do" lists. I feel a weight bearing down on me. And then I see a wreck on the interstate.

Perspective. It could be worse. I just think I have problems. I don't know problems. Deep breath. Commence counting blessings.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34                          

Happy Friday. My three wishes for your weekend:
  1. You get something done that needs to be done.
  2. You do something fun.
  3. You get some rest.

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