Thursday, April 3, 2014

Would You Look at That

There's a lot of yucky stuff going on in the news so, if you, like myself, need a break from mudslides, earthquakes, shootings, and the like, hopefully this will provide a little respite.

I'm fortunate that I've crossed many items off my bucket list before my impending 40th bithday. One that remains is a tough one as no one I am related to or even know would enjoy doing this with me:

#6. Visit the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

I visited D.C. when I was in 8th grade and would love to punch my 14-year-old self in the neck for not appreciating that trip more and for not realizing that it would be 26+ years before I had the opportunity to return. I chose to stay on the bus at the Lincoln Memorial to listen to a new group (Salt 'n Pepa) who, a classmate of mine convinced me, were going to be "huge." I could have stood on the very steps where Dr. King delivered his "I Have a Dream Speech," yet there I was, sitting on a bus, with a handful of fellow 8th graders, listening to "Push It."

"Youth is wasted on the young."
                                                         - George Bernard Shaw

Able, Rhesus Monkey, flew in first space capsule, 1959

While we visited Washington, D.C., we did visit one of the Smithsonian Museums, The National Air and Space Museum. I saw the Wright Brothers' Kitty Hawk and Able, the monkey who became the first space explorer. What I remember most about that particular visit is glancing at a classmate's notebook. We were to keep a journal throughout the trip, jotting down notes on each of our stops in a spiral notebook. Glancing over a classmate's shoulder as we waited on the bus outside of the museum, I noticed she had titled her entry "The Aaron Space Museum."

So, at some point, maybe all alone, I want to visit the Smithsonian's American History Museum. And here are a few pieces I'll be so excited to see:

Gettysburg Address Speech

Thomas Jefferson's Bible

A piece of the actual Plymouth Rock

George Washington's uniform

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