Thursday, April 17, 2014

What Do You Have to Show for Yourself?

I now have four decades under my belt. Forty years. It sounds and seems older than I feel (and, hopefully, look). So, taking a moment to be retrospective, I thought I'd take a quick account of where I've been so it will be easier to get where I'm going.

Things I Learned Between the….

Ages 0-10
  • Smells I like: Old Spice, cigar smoke, gasoline, tools/sawdust/workshop, puppy breath.
  • Foods I like: Cheerios, Fruit Loops, green beans, potatoes, cake, corn
  • Favorite Friends: Felicity V., Brittany V., Alison P., Tracy M., Lee S., Chuck S., Brian S., Beth S., Jenny L., Shannon P.
  • Drinking cold water while chewing gum makes the gum hard.
  • How to write in cursive.
  • Bullies are mean. And a little misunderstood.
  • Things that make me happy: watching TV, being with my Mommy and Daddy, dogs, playing games, camping
  • Things I don’t like doing: Going to the doctor, going to the dentist, going to hospitals, dealing with death and saying goodbye, doing homework, cleaning my room.
  • Places I visited: Florida, DisneyWorld, Gatlinburg, Los Angeles

Ages 11-20

  • Favorite Friends: Felicity V., Brittany V., Alison P., Lee S., Chuck S., Brian S., Beth S., Jennifer M., Jason M., Susan H., Beth W., Angie V., Laurie A., Becky K., Stephen D.
  • I care a lot how other people see me and what they think.
  • When I grow up, I want to be a writer. Maybe a journalist or reporter.
  • Fruit tea is kind of awesome.
  • The early bird gets the worm.
  • Etiquette is timeless.
  • Things that make me happy: watching TV, being with my friends, dogs
  • Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. And I want to follow Him.
  • Things I don’t like doing: Going to the doctor, going to the dentist, going to hospitals, dealing with death and saying goodbye, doing homework, cleaning my room
  • Places I visited: Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C.

Ages 21-30

  • Favorite Friends: Felicity V., Brittany V., Alison P., Jennifer M., Jason M., Jennifer C., Jennifer J., Kristen S., Andrea L., Ann E., Beth J., Brenda M.
  • I don’t care as much how other people see me and what they think of me.
  • I’m not sure what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe I’ll find a job doing something I love.
  • Things that make me happy: being married, watching TV, being with my friends, dogs, travelling, holding my baby girl
  • Things I don’t like doing: Going to the doctor, going to the dentist, going to hospitals, dealing with death and saying goodbye, working late nights and weekends, cleaning the house
  • Places I visited: New Orleans, Pennsylvania, Jamaica, Mexico, Italy, Chicago

Ages 31-40

  • Favorite Friends: Felicity T., Brittany M., Alison S., Jennifer M., Jason M., Brenda M., Ginny A., Beth L., Lisa C., Elizabeth N. 
  • I have no idea what my professional purpose is on this earth. 
  • Marriage isn't easy. There are good days and bad days. There are good years and bad years. It takes work. Like a plant, you need to water it and give it time and talk to it. But it's worth it.
  • Things that make me happy: watching TV, spending time with my family & friends, dogs, being married, watching my baby girl grow up, camping
  • Things I don’t like doing: Going to the doctor, going to the dentist, going to hospitals, dealing with death and saying goodbye, having to do work at home, cleaning the house
  • Parenting is not easy. It's not all baby powder and playing catch and Legos. It's being responsible for someone to grow into a decent human being and making sure they're equipped for the road and inherent challenges ahead.
  • Places I visited: Texas, Africa, Bahamas
  • I don’t know what I don’t know. But I’m always learning. :)

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