Monday, April 21, 2014

The Real Deal

Along with 499 other people, I saw the book-to-movie Heaven is For Real this past Good Friday. It did my heart good to see the theater absolutely full, as though a new Harry Potter had been released. What a great start to the Easter weekend!

With no spoiler alerts here, I wanted to share what I thought was one of the most interesting parts of both the book and the movie.  In the story, a four-year-old boy tells of his visit to Heaven while he was in the hospital, very sick. He recounts meeting angels, Jesus, and previously-departed loved ones, some of whom he'd never met.

A parallel storyline is that across the country, another child, a young girl, has been having visions of Heaven and painting her visions since a very young age. She's young and wildly talented and her paintings and sketches are beautiful.

This four-year-old boy and the rest of us have grown up seeing Jesus depicted like this:

After his journey, though, he's adamant that this is not what Jesus looks like. Then he sees the work of this young girl, Akiane Kramarik, and declares, "that's Him!"

I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude.
Daniel 10:5-6

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus, or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine. 

I Can Only Imagine, by MercyMe

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