Thursday, February 18, 2016

Washington D.C.| Day 1

The first and last time I visited our nation's capital was in April 1988.  And it was with this person:

That's Alison. We met in kindergarten and went to school together through 12th grade. Then we went our separate ways through college and first jobs.But then we got back together and picked right back up. We were in each other's weddings, saw each other's kids just moments after they were born, helped each other move into first (and new) homes, and have been there for each other through thick and thin, through sun and rain, through lowly lows and highest highs.

We have discussed a girls' trip for a while and finally decided we would visit D.C. Part of this decision was made after we read the book "The Nazi Officer's Wife" for our book club.  In it, the author, an Austrian Jew who survived the Holocaust, in part, by assuming a false identity, shared how she donated some personal items to the National Holocaust Museum in D.C.  "We must go," we both said in unison. And here we are.

Today was travel day.

Leaving Nashville. Note the Cumberland snaking through the top of the pic.

En route. Not sure where we were, but there's snow down there.

Final descent in Washington D.C.

We flew into Reagan and it is a really cool airport.Very retro in a cool, authentic way, not a "we spent money to make it look old" way. A sign said it was constructed in 1940 and it looks like it.

Checked into the hotel:

And then explored Old Town Alexandria (we're staying in Virginia) and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at The Majestic Cafe. The Majestic has been around a while (we have a theme going) and it was like stepping back into the past. Our waiter explained their big, neon sign is grandfathered in, but if it blows a bulb or breaks, it's game over for the nod to the past.

That's all I have for today. Tomorrow, we head to the Holocaust Museum.

          "Life is beautiful, and it begins tomorrow."
--Edith Hahn Beer, The Nazi Officer's Wife

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