Friday, May 22, 2015

Let the Games Begin

I thought about writing an end-of-school-yay-summer-is-about-to-begin post and even drafted it in my head during those crazy, hectic final days of school this week. What stumped me was the title, of all things, as I thought I had a pretty clever one:  Summer's Eve. It took me about two seconds to realize that wasn't going to work. Then my mind started weaving a new take on the classic "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," but then I remembered a forgotten teacher gift, some clothes that were left in the washer (gag), and wondered if I'd left the dog outside and there went my post.

Yesterday was the last day of school for us and Little Bit had a sleepover to kick off summer last night. So, my gift was a quiet house this morning. I awoke when I wanted to. OK, when one of the dog's wanted to. I made a pot of coffee and drank my two cups while they were still warm. And then I piddled, which I affectionately but never sarcastically call "livin' the dream," because I couldn't think of a better life. Seriously. I picked up. I took the trash out. I looked through a memory book Little Bit was presented with yesterday encompassing her elementary school years. I washed some clothes. I mowed the back yard. I've played with and watered and fed pets. I watched morning news and my TV vice, "Kelly and Michael." After all that, the house still needs work. I still need a shower. There are weeds to pull. And I need to get those clothes in the dryer so we don't have another repeat of "what's that smell?"

I'm now heading out to pick up what's left from the sleepover. It will be a little sunburned and hungry and grumpy. It will have three days worth of dirty clothes and one wet beach towel, even though it was only away for 19 hours. But that's OK. It's mine for the next 12 weeks. And I plan to soak up summer with this girl like no one's business.

Happy Summer to each of you. All three of you. I hope your summers are filled with dirt and sun and water and laughs and a little laundry just to keep you honest.

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