Saturday, April 18, 2015

What Makes You Happy

I stumbled across this article this morning at 1:30 a.m. I’m not a college student or a third-shift employee, so you might wonder why I would be up at this time. Two words:  drunk bear. My husband was snoring. That woke me up, but I was prepared to dig in, throw a pillow over my head, and persevere. But his cacophony of sounds awoke the hounds, who, in turn, kicked me like hyper kangaroos, readjusted until I had no blanket, and then started grooming themselves. Defeated, I decided to get up. 

After catching up on Facebook and Instagram and then hopping over to see what was going on in the actual world, I found this article about what makes people happy. This made me take a moment to be thankful and count my blessings:  

I went to bed with a full stomach, even if I didn’t get to stay in bed with it.

I have a bed.

I have a house which holds my bed.

And so on and so forth.

Here are a few more of my favorite, if not less essential, things:

A 20-year-old pair of jammy pants I have that feel like very high quality sheets.

My Sunshine and My Girl

Our four furry family members.


Fruit Tea.

The smell of old books. And new books. Oh, and especially text books.
I have a social studies book from my 5th grade year and I still enjoy its smell.

So, what are some of your favorite things? I can't wait to hear.

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