Monday, July 7, 2014

Hatfilelds and McCoys

If you click on this link, it will take you to a quick assessment tool on's website. You type in your last name and it will kick back some interesting data such as country of origin, where in the U.S. there is the largest concentration of people with your surname, and even average life expectancy of your kinfolk.

One interesting piece of data I noted when I plugged in my maiden and married names is this:  it's probable, more than possible, that my husband and I had relatives on opposing sides during the Civil War. Huh. Think about that for a moment.

My imagination takes me back to a dusty landscape with canons firing in the distance, the sound of hoofbeats on a dirt road, and my husband and me sneaking through brush and bushes for a clandestine rendezvous. "Oh, when will this God forsaken war end?" I ask in my best Southern drawl. "Soon, my love. Soon." is his reply. I hand him some bread and an apple wrapped in a cloth napkin and he slips out of sight.

It's possible.

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