Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Go Get 'Em (But Not Too Hard)

When people are looking for two things in particular – love and a job – you often hear the same warning:  don’t appear desperate.  Now, I agree there is a fine line between persistence and having a restraining order. Somewhere in there, you cross the line from being tenacious to just being pushy. But I have to ask:  what’s the harm in showing your determination?

In my mind, if you feel passionate about someone or something, you should shout it from the roof tops until…unless….they’ve turned you down. “No” definitely means “no” in most cases (unless you’re in sales). But until you hear the phrase “no, thank you,” I say press on. We have enough namby-pamby in this world. I say grab the bull by the horns, carpe diem, seize the day (and that bull), at least until the bull cries “uncle.”

Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So…get on your way!

You know, all this talk about bulls makes me think of my favorite Veggie Tales song. Enjoy!

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