Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Size Matters

I got to go shopping last week. And it was the best kind of shopping as I didn’t have to pay. 

I’ve moved offices within my building and moved from a group, work station setting to a shared space where two of us are in one office and each have our own desk. So I was charged with visiting our basement where surplus furniture goes to die and select a new desk. Well, new for me. I saw one that I’m positive Lincoln penned the Gettysburg Address while sitting at it. There were some modern, sleek, modular pieces. Of course there were your rock bottom, 1970’s, standard issue desks. Some were highly functional but not very aesthetically pleasing. Others were solid wood, hand carved, with beautiful detail in the design and wonderfully-crafted, dove-tailed joints. 

It was a bit overwhelming and they all blurred together. Methodically, I walked through the aisles and in between the desks, examining each and quickly assessing their strengths and virtues. Too big. Too small. Not enough drawers. What is this one…a card catalog? This one’s nice but it has a big scratch on top. This is the right size but it has a bum leg and will be forever wobbly. I eventually found one that would work. They wrote my name on a sticky note, slapped it on the front, and explained that it would be brought up to my new office in a couple of days.

As I walked back towards the elevators and my office, I passed this little line up in a hallway:

I chuckled to myself, imagining trash cans taking a smoke break. But then, on the way home, I saw this while stopped at a light:

And I started thinking about choices and diversity and how much I like choices. And how glad I am that people – like things – come in all shapes and sizes. Variety is the spice of life, right? Well, that’s a flavor I can embrace.

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