Monday, June 9, 2014

Melon Head

There are lots – countless – but one of my favorite things about being a mother is the continuous education. They say one of the beautiful things about having a child is seeing the world with a fresh perspective, from their eyes. One of my favorite situations is when I’m asked a question I don’t have an answer to at the ready. It’s then that we research it together and, in turn, both learn something.

The most recent question:  where do cantaloupes come from?

I paused and realized I had no idea. Do they grow on plants on the ground or in trees? What country did they originate from? I had nothing. (They grow on vines on the ground, similar to watermelon.)

Cantaloupes originated in an Italian city named Cantalupo. The French then swooped in and, as the French are want to do, renamed it to make it sound better. Thus, cantaloupe.

The ones we eat:

Are actually a variety known as mushmelons throughout the world. An actual cantaloupe looks like this:

They pretty much taste the same. And people must like the taste as, according to recent statistics, cantaloupe is the most popular variety of melon in the U.S.

Sorry, cantaloupe, this guy is still tops with me:

"...let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance..."
                                                                                                  Proverbs 1:5

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