Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Good to See You

I almost didn’t write this one, for fear of offending someone, but then I remembered that, at best, like three people are reading this. I take comfort, not in my circulation, but in the safety of low numbers. If I offend one of you, however, I sincerely apologize.

Our family made a funeral home visitation last night, which got me thinking to the afterlife. The deceased was beloved and someone made the comment, as Christians are want to do, “I can’t wait to see him again one day.” He was a son, a brother, an uncle, a husband, and a father. Since my husband and sweet Daddy are alive and I never had a son or brother, I started thinking about my uncles, two of whom I knew, and both having been gone for some time.

I wasn’t particularly close to either. They didn’t take me fishing or teach me to spit. They weren’t known for their sense of humor or wisdom. In fact, at least to me, they weren’t known much at all. I believe they both knew Jesus and I believe Heaven is where their souls reside. Will they be among those at the Pearly Gates, awaiting my arrival?

When I picture this scene, I picture beloved pets, my Mama, my grandparents, and, according to some rather bizarre dreams, Abraham Lincoln. I don’t picture my uncles and, truth be told, I’m not sure what I’d say to them if/when I see them again. I picture it going something like this:

Uncle:  Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you!
Me:  Really??

Or maybe:

Uncle: Hi, there. How are you?
Me:  Umm, hi. I’m good. You?
Uncle:  Well, I’m in Heaven.

Or possibly:

Uncle:  Oh, what’s this? [Grabs my nose and shows his thumb stuck between his fingers.]
Me: Yep, I never did like when you did that.

So, although I don’t have all the answers (or any really), I’ll leave you pondering this one. I did a quick bit of research to see if there was any theological text about the subject. I didn’t find any but I did come acrossthis article, written by a hospice nurse, telling of her experience with andlack of any doubt concerning angels. Enjoy.

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