Friday, May 16, 2014

Shower the People...With Love

"Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue."

Had enough time to process the meaning behind that one? You're smart, so I know you have your arms around it. I was getting on the elevator at work this morning as someone else was getting off. A fellow passenger yelled out a benediction, and his response was, "well, some days you're the statue and others you're the pigeon."

As the doors closed and we resumed our ascent, she mused to me, "Ha! I have no idea what that means. Hmm."

I, not fully awake, not a small talker, and my mind racing with both the day's and the weekend's activities, mumbled, "hmm? Yep." Then I threw in a smile so she wouldn't think I was a toot.

"Oh...I bet it's a riddle," she continued.

Oh, boy. Am I going to have to explain this? How long is this elevator ride? "I think it means 'some days go better than others," I suggested.

"Oh. Oh! Ha! I get it now. Yep. OK. Thank you. Well, aren't you smart?"

Ding! A blessed sound that meant the two of us were about to be separated for the day. Want to read some of the best pigeon/statue stories of all time?


Or Judas and Jesus.   

Be careful out there. I wish there weren't pigeons or statues. My wish for you...a fountain kind of day. May the worst thing done to you is someone throws money at you. And the worst thing you do...make people need to tinkle as they pass by.

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