Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rules to Live By

A realtor working in a nice neighborhood in New Jersey (oxymoron?) left this note on a car and it's sparked outrage because the car's owners are an elderly couple. 

Look, I like old people as much as the next guy, but I get this. Street parking drives me nuts. Maybe it's because I lived in a neighborhood where it was rampant.

There's a hiking/outdoor survivalist rule that goes like this:

When walking, never step on something you can step over. Never step over something you can step around.

The neighborhood street parking rule would go like this:

Don't park on the street if you can park in your driveway. Don't park in your driveway if you can park in your garage.

In our old neighborhood, people used their garages like storage units. You'd drive by and see a garage door open, the entire space jammed wall to wall and ceiling to floor with bikes and Christmas decorations and everything in between. And there the cars were, parked in their driveway or on the street.   

Other human behavior that I think should be shunned by society:

  • Leaving shopping carts in the parking lot, pushed up into the grass, or -- the worst -- in a handicapped parking spot.
  • Texting (or really even holding a phone up to your head) while driving. Where are we with the hands-free laws?
  • Clipping nails in public.
  • Letting bicyclists shout "share the road" when they don't "share the rules."
  • Not saying "excuse me" when you walk in front of someone (say, in the grocery) or any time you bump into someone
  • Drivers who inconvenience everyone because they missed their turn or weren't paying attention. (Ever seen an entire interstate come to a stop because someone in the far left lane decided they needed to get off at an exit that they've just about passed??)
What peeves you?

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