Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What to Do

A co-worker, with whom I’ve participated in multiple discussions about not knowing what we want to do when we grow up, where the Lord wants us and how He wants to use us, and what our purpose is in life, showed me this the other day:

I admired the artistry (click here to read more about thataspect), but I had to laugh, internally so as to not be seen as unappreciative or callous. A list of activities that I personally choose instead of real work began to float through my head:


Surf FaceBook

Surf some of my favorite online shopping sites, if only just “screen shopping” (that’s the high-tech version of window shopping, right?)

Watch TV

Now, we all know you can’t get paid for doing these, right? So then I dug more deeply and thought, “OK, prove your parents, teachers, and a couple of bosses wrong and don’t be such a smartalec.”

I came up with these:

I like to read. OK, people make money reading manuscripts and editing, something I actually do enjoy, have done, and am good at, is an actual job. I’ll keep this one.

I like to vacuum and I actually like to clean all kinds of things. I have a feeling, however, that there’s a difference in cleaning your own stuff and that of strangers. Moving on.

I like to listen to music. But that, inevitably leads to another activity, namely a nap, so, no, I don’t see me becoming a music executive.

So, the task of finding out who I am and who I am supposed to be continues. If you have figured this out for yourself, I’d sure love tohear about it. It’s one of those things I always felt alone in until I started poking around, and talking to people, and learned that I have more company that I ever knew.

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