Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Slow Down, Gwyneth

Annoying, hipster doofus guys are referred to by the name of an internal cleaning product for females. A few examples of this character include:

If there's anything more annoying than these guys, it's their female counterparts. You know the ones. The ones who speak with a British accent although they're from Michigan and didn't set foot in the U.K. until they were 27. The one who will only use sparkling brush their teeth and wash their hair. The one who had a talk show (and a production company, network, and magazine) who would share an annual list of "favorite/must-have items" and it always included a $400 bathrobe, without which one's life wouldn't be complete. 

Although I'm blessed and priveleged beyond measure and have never gone hungry or wondered where my child's next meal was coming from, I do consider myself down-to-Earth and despise ostentatiousness, pretention, and conspicuous displays of entitlement. Labels and brands mean nothing to me. I get excited when I find a good quality, leather purse at TJ Maxx for under $25.

But, like most people, I want two things for my child:  1, a better life than I had growing up (if that's possible), and 2, the very best of everything that I (and the world) can offer. Some of my best friends are the polar opposite of me when it comes to this sort of thing. But I accept that and actually appreciate the way they are programmed. What fun would it be if we were all the same? As long as they don't go sneaking in a British accent, I'm OK.

I took this little exercise a few years back and it was really helpful, especially from a relationship/marriage standpoint. Have you heard about the Five Love Languages? It's interesting and you can profile yourself, your spouse, or even your child. Here's an example: 

You're getting ready to go to bed and your spouse is going to do something for you to show how much you're loved. Would you prefer that he or she:

(a) whispered to you how much it means to them all of the ways you work around the house and how much everything you do is appreciated.
(b) had vacuumed the bedroom and put new sheets on the bed.
(c) set a small, velvet gift box on your pillow with something sparkly inside.
(d) said, "let's not watch TV tonight...I want to hear all about your day."
(e) Offered to give you a back rub.

It was interesting to me because I realized, personally, that my husband and I do not speak the same language exactly. This can cause woes if one of you does something seemingly nice and it goes - seemingly - unnoticed. 

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