Friday, April 11, 2014

Kicking the Bucket List

In five days, I will turn 40. There's something about birthdays, and especially milestone ones, that make you think. Think about things you've done and things you want to do and things you wished you'd not done. It's a great time to dust off that bucket list - or make one if you haven't yet - and then get to crossing things off.

For inspiration, you can check out and Both provide countless ideas to get your brain working. When comparing others' lists to my own, mine seems boring and safe. That's OK. I have absolutely no desire to go bungee jumping, or ride in a hot air balloon, or climb Kilimanjaro. I'm a simple person with fairly simple wants -- I want to live a long, happy, healthy life (despite some less-than-ideal genetics I've witnessed my forefathers (and mothers) battle), enjoy the company of dear friends and family, grow old with my sunshine, and watch my baby girl grow into a wonderful baby woman who goes on to live a long, happy, healthy life. Pure and simple.

I've gotten to cross a lot of fun things off of my bucket list in these last three decades:

But I still have a few items left, so as I turn the corner and meet 4-0, I'll shake his hand and hand him this list:

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