Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I Pity the Fool

It's April Fool's Day. Here are my top 3 favorite pranks. Now go have a little fun today.

1. Tape on the phone. 

I have enjoyed this one for years. Sadly, at my current job, we're all fancy and our phones don't have the necessary button to make this work. If your phones look like this:

Simply put a small piece of tape across the button (see arrow) which connects/disconnects the receiver. The victim either goes to make a call or answer a call and it appears their phone is not ringing. It's especially funny to watch or overhear someone saying "hello?" and the phone keeps ringing.

2.  Cheesey OJ

The powder packet from this:

Mixed well with this:

Yields this:

3.  Fake doodie. Very realistic fake doodie.

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