Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Goody One Shoe

You've heard of Mr. Goody Two Shoes. Don't be an over-achiever. Just be a regular achiever. Shoot to be a Goody One Shoe today. Do one nice thing for a stranger.

Here's a great video to give you some inspiration. It's an insurance commercial from Thailand. Beautiful but I don't think they subscribe to the standard 29-second commercial spots.

And if you still need some pointing in the right direction, here are a couple of ideas:

  • If you're driving through a drive-through for breakfast or lunch, offer to pay for the car behind you in line.
  • Tape a dollar bill to a vending machine at your office.
  • Take a plate of baked goods by your local police precinct or fire hall.
  • The next time you're leaving a store that has shopping carts, return one that's been left in the parking lot to the store, or wait for someone loading their car and offer to return theirs.
  • Let two cars out in front of you in traffic.

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