Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Got Your Crazy

A few years ago, a councilman in Ohio made the news and became a YouTube sensation because of a speech he gave while running for office. Regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on, there’s no doubt this guy is a nut. He was energetic while delivering his speech and that’s a grave understatement. He didn’t win whatever seat or position he was seeking, however, he did go on, probably unintentionally, to be an example of what not to do while publically speaking. I remember sitting in a professional development class and a snippet of his video was shown under the “what not to do” section of the program.

Yesterday, I listened to a speaker at a seminar at work and he referenced this guy and this video and, again, I cried watching it. Seriously…tears rolling down my cheeks. Bless him. His heart was in the right place, but there is a difference in being impassioned and being a lunatic.


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