Thursday, March 13, 2014

Grocery Store Fun Facts

The average apple you see in the supermarket is 14 months old.

The mist that’s sprayed on your fruits & veggies may make them look fresh but it can make them rot faster and weigh more at check out, so shake them off before you bag them up.

Beware of the “10 for $10” promotion. Stores are known to mark an $0.89 item up for this promotion.

If you see something in the meat department or bakery that is expiring tomorrow, ask if they are going to mark it down. A lot of times, they’ll mark it down for you because you’re doing them the favor of not having to throw it out.

Don’t buy a cake from the grocery on the day you need it. If you grab one from the shelf, it’s been there a day or two where one you pre-order is made that day for you.

The carts never get cleaned. Babies lick and sneeze on the handle. They pee and poop in the seat (where you put your purse). Use the anti-bacterial wipes most stores provide now.

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