Thursday, July 9, 2009

Signs of the Times

So, you know the latest advertising gimmick is for a company to hire a sign holder, right? The guy who stands on the corner or sidewalk holding (or spinning if they are the more adventurous type)? OK, well, Brentwood - sweet, cozy, until now, not-so-flashy little Brentwood has been taken over by these guys. They're everywhere. At one intersection in particular, there are two, for the same company, on either side of the street.

Here's the first one - we'll call him "Action Jackson." He stands, he shifts his weight back and forth and will occasionally shake the sign to and fro.

And exhibit B:

I can't tell if this guy is really smart or really lazy. Check out his set up. Cooler, back support, shade and the ability to send text messages.

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