Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Katie Davis

This is happening Sunday night, June 28, 6 PM, in Brentwood. Here are a few reasons you might want to think about going:

1. Get to hear a great concert by Point of Grace.

2. Support a local family who is in process of bringing home their 3rd adopted child. Proceeds from this event go towards the Oatsvall Family and their current Ugandan adoption.

3. Hear Katie Davis speak. This girl is amazing. She's from Brentwood, she's 20 years old, she lives in Uganda and has adopted 13 children. She lives for the Lord -- out loud and every day. She is truly inspiring. While she is home this summer visiting her family, she has scheduled one speaking engagement and it is during this event. Click her name up above a couple of lines to link to her blog.

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