Thursday, January 8, 2009

Name Game

Well, much like URLs, blog names are now a hot commodity. They're all taken! I was shocked to find that these already existed when trying to set mine up the other day:

- Hambone 'n Flippy
- Hambone
- Puddin' Tain (simma down, it's an old Scottish nursery rhyme*)

So while driving, I came up with a few, non-sensical ones and decided that the first one available, boom, that would be mine.

Welcome to Pigs n' Buttons.

*It is a play on the name of an Irish high chief who was known as the Tain with his specific name in front of it. The Puddin' Tain was someone of not royal status but someone who had pretentions and was deridded with the name high King of the Puddings. Later it became a Children's rhyme of Scots-Irish origin.

What's your name?
Puddin' Tain.
Ask me again and I'll tell you the same.

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