Saturday, January 31, 2009

Etiquette: Lesson 1

I am a southern girl, through and through. I loves me some crazy sweet tea and, yes, I like grits. Preferably with some good, crispy bacon crumbled in them. I was raised by a southern girl, as was she and so on, I suppose, back to when there weren't so much "southern" girls as much as, maybe, "Puritans." 

I was sent to a White Gloves and Party Manners class at some point but Mom carefully wove in etiquette lessons in daily life, where, I suppose, it would be instilled long-term. I wanted to share a few items today, both for the next generation and also for the current generation not raised by Emily Post herself. This one's for the ladies - boys, I'll have to catch you at another time.

1.  When seated, cross your legs at the ankle, not the knee.
2.  When smoking, always have your fingers on the cigarette and don't ever let it just dangle from your lips, unattended.
3.  When donning a coat or piece of outerwear, button it from the bottom up.
4.  When seated (again with the sitting), dip legs down so thighs are not completely parallel to the floor and press knees together as if holding an imaginary powder puff between them. (This would have come in handy for this gal who ruined an otherwise delightful set of pictures taken at a recent party I attended.)
5.  Regardless of what else you have (or don't have) going on with you, put a little lipstick on before heading out.

Now, this advice stemmed from a different time so #2 is kind of defunct but the rest is still applicable. So, go out and prosper and do it in style.

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